Grocery Store


  1.118 kB /2.10 min

(W. Roelofsen/R. v.d. Berg)

Recorded on July 22, 1990 in "The Kel-der" Hille-gom The Netherlands.

"I saw you standing in the nearest shop huahg !....."

I saw you standing in the nearest shop,
And now you're on the top,
On my grocerylist.

Peanutbutter, cheddar cheese,
Washing powder, little peas...,
Holy Macaroni..., would you go out with me ?

I heard you talking to the baker's son,
And now your number one,
On my grocerylist.

Milk and butter, half a bread,
Toiletpaper, sandwichspread,
Holy Macaroni...,would you go out with me ?

I saw you standing in the nearest shop,
And now you're on the top,
On my grocerylist.

Red tomatoes, soda pop,
Coca Cola, lolly pop,
Holy Macarino....,would you go out with me ?

"...huahg": Gonzo
Harmonica: Ben Turpin
Washing powder Box: Steamy Pete
"On a mission from God": Blowin' Bootsy